Just Call Me Internet
Just Call Me Internet.iso
Text File
189 lines
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= Frequently Asked Questions about AtariNOS/ka9q =
= FAQ Version 0.3 13th January 1995 =
** NOTE : This is an early version of this FAQ! All suggestions and
comments are welcome, and should be mailed to the address
support@tachyon.demon.co.uk as soon as possible.
This FAQ is published irregularly, and is maintained by Frank Charlton.
Latest versions can be found on the site ftp.demon.co.uk as
/pub/atari/faq/atarinos.faq.z or by emailing support@tachyon.demon.co.uk
and requesting it. New editions of this FAQ will be announce in the
newsgroup demon.ip.support.atari as soon as they are available for ftp.
1 - Does AtariNOS and the other supplied software for Demon Internet
access run under multitasking operating systems for the ST?
MiNT : Yes. We've found that all software operates as standard under
MiNT (tested up to version 1.12) without problems, whether as standard
or under TOSWIN. SNEWS however will occasionally behave erratically,
with screen output becoming corrupted.
Mag!X/MagiC : Yes, all software works perfectly under Mag!X.
Actually, the software suite becomes easier to use under Mag!X as text
can be cut to the clipboard for later perusal, and MAILER.TOS will run
in a separate window so you can reply to email without logging off if
you're in a hurry.
Geneva : No, we found that the TOMSHELL batchfile which holds the
whole thing together behaves less than perfectly under Gribnif's Geneva.
If you're happy to run the individual programs without the shell, they
do seem to work. If anyone has experience with NOS and Geneva, please
mail support@tachyon.demon.co.uk with details.
2 - I've set my configuration correctly, and when I logon my modem
connects fine, but I see nothing on screen other than a prompt which
says NET>
When you hear your modem begin to dial, press the following keys:
<F10> <RETURN> You should now see something like:
etc... Just wait until NOS has logged you in with nodename and password,
and you'll get another NET> prompt. That's it, and you're in!
3 - Do I have to use the TOS-based GNOME.TTP editor which is supplied?
Which other editors can I use?
Any well-behaved program which outputs pure ASCII text can be used.
We use the shareware editor Edith, and other users employ Everest,
Gribnif's STeno and the like.
4 - How do I send email which I have written to people?
You don't - NOS does! When you logon, NOS picks up any mail waiting
for you, and sends any you have written out automatically.
5 - Will NOS work with a 28,800 modem and the popular serial port
Yes, when used with the serial post fix HSMODEM4. When configuring
MFP.PRG (on the ST), and you come to the 3rd option, choose YES for
auto-baud in conjunction with RSVE. Leave everything in your NOS setup
the same, and although NOS thinks it's operating at 19,200, HSMODEM will
actually drive the serial port at 38,400 which is fine for 28,800
connects in most instances. Dial and connect as normal at 28,800. NOTE:
No Demon PoPs or vPoPs are available at speeds above 14,400 at present,
though it will happen.
An English version of HSMODEM4 can be found at ftp.demon.co.uk as
/pub/atari/comms/hsmod4e.tos (self extracting archive).
6 - Can I use NOS to access the World-Wide Web? Can I do it at all on my
Not at present. NOS is a complete environment, unlike WinSock or
MacTCP on other machines which allow external programs to access them.
At the time of writing, NOS users are unable to access the WWW at all.
Two possible web-browers are planned, but details are sketchy as yet. A
simple text-based browser called Lynx exists for the MiNTnet system, but
this is hideously complex to setup if you're a beginner. MiNTnet, Lynx
and others can be obtained from lots of ftp sites, including
src.doc.ic.ac.uk in /computing/systems/atari/mint/network. WWW support
within NOS itself is being worked on, but no date is available for
release, so don't bombard either myself or David Nash with mail about it.
7 - Can I access the Internet Relay Chat network via NOS? I can't see a
client program for it.
You can access IRC using a public-access server. Try the following
telnet irc.demon.co.uk
annd follow the prompts. Documentation and tutorials on IRC itself can
be found at ftp.demon.co.uk in /pub/doc/.
8 - Is there a true Gopher client for NOS?
No. You can use public-access gopher servers via telnet, but be
warned - most require vt100 or ANSI terminals, and are thus extremely
unreliable on the Atari. If anyone has experience which says otherwise,
mail us.
9 - The news-server news.demon.co.uk seems very slow. Is there an
This isn't really the case any more. Upgrades have taken place to
news.demon.co.uk and the loading problem is much less of an issue. You
shouldn't have problems with news now.
10 - Does Stuart Coates still maintain the whole STNETxxx.TOS package,
and is he improving the TOS shell which runs the software?
No. Stu no longer has an Atari. Future updates of the entire STNET
package will be done by me, and we have the source to Stu's original
shell. An enhanced TOS version is planned, as is a full GEM shell for
those who run in a multitasking environment. Details will be posted to
demon.ip.support.atari when they are available.
11 - Which Usenet newsgroups are applicable to us Atari users?
Currently we have :
12 - Are there any good ftp sites for Atari ST or Falcon stuff?
Yes, lots. For a comprehensive and up-to-date list, get the file
/pub/atari/faq/ftpsites.faq from ftp.demon.co.uk. This list is
maintained by Mark Smith, and is regularly updated. New versions are
available from ftp.demon.co.uk and are posted in the comp.sys.atari.st
13 - Can I "grab" text scrolling up the screen to a disk file to read
later? When I use public access archie servers, information often zooms
off the screen before I can write it down.
Do the following:
1. Start your ftp or telnet session as usual.
2. Press F10 to switch back to the NET> prompt.
3. Type "record" (without quotes) followed by a filename, i.e.
record d:\text\archie.txt
and hit return. Move back to the ftp/telnet session by typing
session xx, where xx is the number. To check which sessions you
have active, type session at the NET> prompt.
4. Carry out your ftp or telnet as normal.
6. When you quit, the entire session is saved to disk. That way you
can browse through your archie searches etc. offline to find the
files you're looking for.
14 - How do I conduct an Archie search from NOS?
Use a public-access Archie Server. An example for UK users follows:
1. At the NET> prompt, start a telnet session with:
telnet src.doc.ic.ac.uk
2. Follow the on-screen prompts, and when asked for a login name,
type archie and hit return.
3. When you get the archie.doc.ic.ac.uk> prompt (or similar), you
can do a simple substring search by typing prog keyword, where
keyword is the string you wish to search for. For example:
prog ka9q (RETURN) will search for all files containing the
keyword "ka9q".
4. See the above question for details on capturing sessions to disk.
5. When you've finished searching, leave the archie server by typing
quit and pressing return.
It's a fairly simple guide, but it'll get you started, and it's a nice
fast Archie Server to use ;-)